During the work week here at Pinnacol we’re underwriters and claims representatives, nurses and accountants, software developers and safety consultants and all sorts of other roles all dedicated to providing the best service possible to our customers. In our private time we’re also photographers, quilters, artists, sketchers, and sculptors.
For the past several years our company has participated in the
On My Own Time Employee Art Exhibition through the
Colorado Committee for the Arts. Now in it’s 19th year the Exhibition is a biennial program designed to acknowledge the creative talents of employees of companies around the state. Each participating company hosts an exhibition of artwork that employees and their families have created on their own time. The artwork is judged by a panel
of art professionals, but as with most things artistic the real reward is in the creation of the art itself. Here are just a couple of examples of some of the artwork
created by our employees…
"Mesa Arch" by Debbie, one of our Field Auditors |
"Lake Louise, Alberta CA" by Tom, one of our software developers |
"Tiger In the Mist" by Lorin, the daughter of one of our HR Staff |
"These Are Men" by Ryan, a member of our communications team |
"Humming Around" by Ellen, one of our Safety Consultants |
As you are out and about at local businesses keep an eye out for exhibits of their employees works of art. As demonstrated by these Colorado artists, our state has a wealth of talent that extends far beyond the everyday world of work!
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