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Friday, December 6, 2013

Moon Dance

As I was leaving work last night after another busy day my head was down watching where I was going, mindful of all the snow and ice from the latest storm. As I got several steps out of our building I happened to glance up and noticed what an incredibly beautiful evening it really was. I actually stopped and took the picture to the right which doesn't do justice to what I saw. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been watching the dance of the Moon with Venus this week in the western sky but the frigid cold temperatures of the last several days seem to have brought a clarity to the night sky that makes the walk across our parking lot seem less of a burden and more of a delight. The shock of coming from the 70 degree temperatures inside our building to the 3 below outside also heightened my senses. When its this cold the snow underfoot has a different sound, almost a crunch, that makes you pay attention. As I drove home the radio was announcing the death of Nelson Mandela in South Africa and that the people of that country were already gathering not so much to mourn his passing as to celebrate a life well lived. Its too easy this time of year to get caught up with perilous commutes and the hustle and bustle of the holidays, but nights like these remind me that we are all fortunate to be alive and that the universe we live in is truly an incredible place.

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