I often meet with recent graduates and sometimes ask them about what their dream job was while going through college. Many times they tell me they really didn't know what they wanted to do while in school. They often default to majoring in business because they feel this will allow them the most options. I'd encourage anyone in school to check out whether their institution offers risk management and insurance classes and if they do to take a class or two to see if it intrigues them.
When fifth grade teachers ask their students what they want to be when they grow up no one answers "I want to work in insurance!". At that age it's all about being astronauts, rock or sports stars, and the like. The CU Denver RMI website points out that there are more jobs in risk management than qualified people to fill them. Insurance employees in the U.S. are retiring at the rate of about 3,500 annually, while there are just 1,000 annual graduates with risk management degrees from U.S. universities. I think that's simply because people don't think about insurance careers and its sometimes difficult to get meaningful information about what working in this field is like.
Programs like CU's are great ways for students to explore our industry and more often than not they will be amazed at the range of career options working in insurance can offer. Pinnacol is a medium sized company but we offer career paths in everything from Information Technology to Finance, Legal to Marketing and Communications, Nursing to Underwriting and Claims.
Barbara did a nice job presenting the programs offered and if I was back in school I'd definitely be motivated to explore their offerings further! The CU RMI website lists the following ways to contact them for additional details:
- Risk Management and Insurance Program, 303-315-8153,rmi@ucdenver.edu