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Friday, September 10, 2010

Biggest Loser comes to Pinnacol!

Unfortunately neither Bob or Jillian were available (if you were a contestant, which trainer would YOU prefer?), but some of our employees in our Corporate Services team thought it would be fun to have a Biggest Loser contest. Over a 12 week period our Pinnacol weight warriors are exercising and trying to eat smarter. They are also drinking flavored waters instead of soda and pop. I talked with Heather, who came up with the idea, and she told me they're in week 4 and as a group have already lost more than 60 pounds! And yes, just like on the show they do weekly weigh-ins. Those at the end who have lost the greatest percentage of weight will win cash prizes as well as the admiration of all the rest of us who gain weight just by looking at food. They've even got their manager Amanda participating.

The flavored water was intriguing to me as every day they have a different fruit or vegetable that they add. Everything from mangos and nectarines, to strawberries and oranges, rasberries, apples, lemon, and even cucumbers have been used to dazzle up their H2O. I tried the nectarine water and it was remarkably good. I'm pretty sure I'm glad to have missed when cucumber was the flavor of the day, though several employees told me it was really not that bad. One of the best outcomes so far has been the support of people who are not in the contest of those who are.

Pinnacol hosts Weight Watchers as well as lots of wellness resources including an on-site exercise room and fitness classes, but congratulations to Heather and the team for taking a great idea and turning it into tangible results! Given where they are in only week four, they'll likely lose as a group the equivalent of an entire person by the end of the 12 weeks. Now if I can only get Bob or Jillian to be MY personal trainer...


  1. Next year, you should have a competition against your brokers.

  2. Jason, that's a great idea! Is your organization doing something like this?
