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Friday, December 3, 2010

Around the World Cookie Festival Celebrates Diversity

Pinnacol values the diversity of our employees and every year sponsors diversity appreciation events including everything from guest speakers, to museum and photo exhibits, to Food Festivals. This last Wednesday Pinnacol celebrated diversity with an Around the World Cookie Festival.

Arranged through our Diversity Task Force, employees were treated to cookies from many different countries, from Ireland to Israel, Germany to Greece, China to Mexico.

Before the event I wouldn't have known a Ruggalach cookie from Baklava, but I do know that all the cookies were delicious!

Think you know your cookies? Try matching up the cookies listed below with their country of origin (for the answers, see the comments section):

Country                                       Cookie
America                                      Baklava
China                             Chocolate Chip Cookies
France                       Fortune and Almond Cookies
Germany                                Kolaches
Greece                                  Reposteria
Ireland                           Ruggalach Cookies
Israel                             Shortbread Cookies
Mexico                         Soda Bread Cookies
Poland                             Spritz Cookies
Scotland                            Tea Cookies


  1. Here is the correct match up between cookies and countries:
    Country Cookie
    America Chocolate Chip Cookies
    China Fortune and Almond Cookies
    Germany Spritz Cookies
    Greece Baklava
    Ireland Soda Bread Cookies
    Israel Ruggalach Cookies
    France Tea Cookies
    Mexico Reposteria
    Poland Kolaches
    Scotland Shortbread Cookies

  2. tasting all the cookies were so yummy...
