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Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's an Amazing Thing...

One of the amazing tools provided by Google is a tool called Google Analytics. For those of you who have blogs of your own you probably already know all about this. Analytics allows a blogger to see how many folks are accessing their blogs, how long on average they spend on the site, what the most-read content is, and where the reader is located. The last, where the reader is located, is always fascinating to me. As a Colorado-based, and focused, company I would have anticipated that most of our readers come from in-state and that is in fact the case. But in the year that this blog has been up we've had readers literally from around the world.

For example, in the last month we've had 14 visits from India. Folks in Hyderabad, Chennai, and New Delhi are spending above average amounts of time reading the blog. I've always wanted to travel to India (congratulations, by the way, for your victory yesterday in the 2nd semi-final of the Cricket World Cup) and when I look at Analytics I wonder about the people behind the numbers - what their lives are like, what they are seeing when they look out from their windows, what the background noise is, and what the air feels like.

Ramakrishna Temple, Chennai
Hyderabad and New Delhi are in the news frequently enough that I am somewhat familiar with them, but Chennai is a complete unknown to me. Curiosity usually gets the best of me so I Googled Chennai to learn more. Turns out that Chennai, formerly known as Madras, is a shortened form of Chennaipattinam, the name of the town that grew around Fort St. George, which was built by the English in 1640 (their first Fortress in India). Today Chennai is the 5th most populous city in India and the 36th most populous in the world. Located on the Bay of Bengal, the city has a booming automotive industry and is sometimes referred  to as the Detroit of

Srirengam Temple, Chennai
India. It also has a thriving film industry. Chennai is one of the world's fastest growing cities, and is expected to grow 2.5 times its current size by the year 2025.
I don't know if Pinnacol will ever hire one of our readers from outside the U.S., but I'd like to think that it's a possibility. So, to our readers around the globe, thank you for reading, and if you are ever in the Denver area, we'd like to say hello.

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