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Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Rather unique Employee Referral...

Pinnacol, like many companies, has an employee referral program that rewards current employees for referring great talent to us for consideration. Usually these are folks that our employees know fairly well - friends, former co-workers, and close acquaintances. This morning I received a rather unusual employee referral from Susan, one of our Strategic Nurse Case Managers. She had seen a segment on CBS of a young man recently out of work who was taking a creative approach to his job search. Rather than sit at home and submit on-line applications all day, this gentleman was literally pounding the streets looking for a job. I'm sure he was a pleasant surprise for rush hour commuters used to seeing folks asking for a handout at intersections. Instead, he was armed with a smile, a business suit, a stack of resumes, and a sign proclaiming "I don't want your money, I want a career". Every job coach will tell you its important to be able to differentiate yourself from the rest of the multitude of candidates, but this was certainly taking that advice to a new level. Fortunately this young man, Jason, is on LinkedIn so it was easy to find him. And yes, I did invite him to connect and to touch base regarding a possible interview - not so much because of his initiative, which I do admire, but because one of our employees recognized a potential star and brought him to my attention. Thank you Susan!

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