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Friday, March 6, 2015

What attracts employees to Pinnacol Assurance?

After new employees have been with us for two months we meet with them to see how they are assimilating into our company. We talk about their understanding of their role and the expectations of the position, the training they went through and whether they need additional, how they like their job and working at Pinnacol, how well they've been accepted by their team, and a host of other things. We also ask them two additional questions that I think are key - what were the top three things that attracted them to take the position with Pinnacol, and perhaps more importantly, how are we delivering on those attractors.

We've been doing these new employee follow-up meetings for more than 18 years. The two questions about the top attractors were added in 2008 and in the years since the results paint a pretty clear picture about what brings people to our company so I thought I'd share a little about what employees tell us. As the chart indicates, two things are mentioned most frequently as attractors for new employees:

  • Company Culture/Reputation
  • Personal/Professional Growth
Obviously all the items on the list are important aspects of the work environment. More than a third of new employees tell us that things like Work/Life Balance and Benefits were top attractors. We're also aware that the only things that matter to the individual new employee are what their particular top 3 attractors were. 

When it comes to how we are delivering on those attractors average satisfaction runs at 96%, with 80% being "Satisfied" and 100% representing "Very Satisfied". As you might be exploring us as a potential company to work with I thought you might find these results interesting!

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