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Monday, October 21, 2013

What's the Team Nurse Case Manager position at Pinnacol all about?

Sheri and Audra are two of our employees intimately familiar with the nursing role at Pinnacol. Both came from clinical backgrounds and both joined us originally in the role of Team Nurse Case Manager. We are currently looking to fill a couple of nurse positions on some of our teams so the timing was right to sit down with them to get their impressions of the nurse position at Pinnacol. As you'll hear, the nurse case manager role is not something many clinical nurses hear about as a career option while going through nursing school yet it offers challenges and opportunities not found in the traditional clinical environment. It also offers the chance to work a normal daytime business schedule which many nurses also find appealing after working nights, holidays, and weekends. Nurses at Pinnacol also have the opportunity to continue to grow in their career. Sheri is now a Business Director of one of our multi-functional business teams and Audra is a Nurse Specialist. We also have Strategic Nurse positions for nurses wanting to work with the most challenging medical claims.

I've had the chance to speak with Sheri previously about what she looks for in nurses and you can see what she had to say here. And several years ago I spoke with Deborah about what it was like coming on board with Pinnacol as a brand new Team Nurse Case Manager. You can hear her thoughts here. Thanks to Sheri, Audra, and Deborah you can now get a very good idea of what our Team Nurse position is all about. If you are a nurse who would like to be considered for one of our openings we ask that you please complete an on-line application via our company website. We look forward to hearing from you!

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